
Turnstiles are a reliable access control solution for staff and visitors, ensuring only authorised users are allowed access to particular areas.

As turnstile manufacturers, we make entrance solutions that can work in all spaces. Scroll down to see our turnstile product range.


ea tripod

An extremely durable access control turnstile, providing high traffic flow and reliability make it an ideal solution where a more utilitarian product is required.

ea electromechanical turnstile

A turnstile designed to provide smooth and efficient access in crowded public environments. This turnstile is ideal for transportation areas, universities, banks, business centres, museums, gyms and events.

ea glass pass

Designed for un-attended access controlled applications where higher security is required and tailgating is prevented.

ea glass Swing gate

The EA Glass Swing Gate is the simplest and most affordable way to control and restrict people flow access from 500 mm to a 900 mm clear opening.

What Are Turnstiles?

The word turnstile is the generic industry term. However depending on how we perceive or use them, they are also referred to as other names. Similarly names such as; pedestrian barriers, security lanes, reception gates, reception barriers, access control barriers and automatic pedestrian gates.

Generally they are simple mechanical barrier devices, that include a rotor or tripod of arms that within a rotational turn principal, allow a pedestrian to pass through.

For that reason turnstiles should not be confused with higher-end Speed Gates or Speed Lanes. Due to demand and continued market development, Speed Gates are now accepted as a different type of access control product.

Although they also securely manage people flow, Speed Gates are designed with enhanced aesthetics with quieter and smoother mechanical principals.

Access Control Using Turnstiles

We accept the principal, that among other things, technology controls the access and security of our daily lives and this includes the use of access controlled barriers. We find them within our place of work, where we socialise, where we exercise and even the transport hubs that we use to connect them all.

In short, pedestrians are used to being managed and guided from where they have been, to where they intend to go. Turnstiles offer a reliable method to control visitors and ensure only authorised users are allowed access to particular areas of a building.

In short, we have a solution that can work in virtually all spaces.

We are leaders in autonomous pedestrian control. EA Group offer entrance solutions from simple mechanical rotary barriers to fully integrated systems.

Advantages Of Choosing Turnstiles

Comprehensive range of solutions

Comprehensive range of solutions

We offer a comprehensive range of access control entrance solutions that encompasses the needs of most applications.

low noise

Low noise

The sliding door drive unit applies the special lubricating feature and special decelerate gear mechanism.

KBB invented the special Fibrous nylon guide way profile and self-lubricating nylon carriage wheels, which further lessen the operating noise



If the operating sliding door hit a barrier, the reverse sliding systems will start-up automatically.

Choosing the Safety beam (photocell) system could make the door to operate more safely.

Choosing the (KBB) UPS advanced battery system could ensure the doors to operate continuously for 30 minutes under powder failure conditions.

Why choose EA Group?